Talks (selected)
2022: How hearing influences our visual perception. President’s seminar “What you see and what you get“, Wolfson College. (invited talk).
2021: Synchronisation of neural oscillations within and across sensory modalities. Virtual Colloquium, Dortmund. (invited talk).
2021: Rhythmic modulation of visual perception through cross-modal entrainment. Psychologie und Gehirn Conference.
2020: Cross-modal influences of auditory rhythms on visual perceptual processing. Virtual Symposium: Neural oscillations and multisensory processing.
2019: Rhythmic auditory stimulation guides visual perception. British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience, Cambridge (speed talk).
2019: The role of neural oscillations for cross-modal perception. University of Salzburg, Austria (invited talk).
2018: How the brain entrains to musical rhythms. Music, Mind and Brain Lecture Series, Goldsmiths, University of London (invited talk).
2017: Visual to auditory entrainment enhances auditory gap detection performance. 1st Conference of the Timing ResearchForum, France, Strasbourg.
2017: Cross-modal phase entrainment enhances auditory gap detection abilities. MEG UK, Oxford, UK.
2017: The role of auditory and cross-modal entrainment on auditory gap detection performance. Cognitive Area Seminar, Department of Psychology, McGill University (invited talk).
2014: Electrophysiological correlates of musical tempo preferences. ICMPC13 - APSCOM5, Seoul, South Corea.